Top 10 The Far Side Comics Destined for Comedy Hall of Fame

The Hero - Top 10 The Far Side Comics Destined for Comedy Hall of Fame - TokoPyramid

The Far Side. Before the internet, being a connoisseur of offbeat, bizarre, and downright Dadaistic humor was like embarking on a quest to find the holy grail – a true odyssey for the peculiar and peculiarly dedicated. But fear not, my fellow seekers of the strange, for a guiding star, emerged from the heavens in the years 1979 to 1995, illuminating the minds of millions with its daily dose of humor. All you had to do was flip open the newspaper and dive into the world of funny pages.

Behold, Gary Larson’s magnum opus, The Far Side. It’s been described as witty, absurd, a stroke of genius, and a source of deep, existential confusion. In other words, it’s the Marmite of humor – you either spread it on your toast with gusto or recoil in horror, with little room for apathetic shrugs.

But even if it didn’t tickle everyone’s funny bone, it served a special breed of mirth-seekers with unwavering loyalty. Just peek at the avalanche of Far Side shirts, mugs, calendars, and collected editions of Larson’s madness as evidence. And when Larson emerged from his retirement slumber in 2020 to grace the internet with new comics, his fans rejoiced, like devotees of the surreal gospel.

So, here’s to celebrating the wonderfully weird and unsettling, the dark and uproarious, the cows, and, of course, let’s not forget their enigmatic cow tools. Join us on this journey through the corridors of our minds, where The Far Side comics have taken up permanent residence, forever fueling our appetite for the bizarre and the brilliantly bonkers.

Anatidaephobia – The fear of duck

The Fear of Duck - Top 10 The Far Side Comics Destined for Comedy Hall of Fame - TokoPyramid

Larson didn’t just give us a fresh reason to question our existence; he conjured an image that’s as menacing as a banana in a tuxedo. The comic demanded we play hide-and-seek with a duck, and when you spot that sneaky fowl, you’ll ponder why it’s giving that guy the stink-eye. You’ll also find yourself questioning if there’s some secret society of ducks out there, lurking in the shadows, spying on us and plotting their quacky schemes behind our backs.

Cow Tools

Cow Tools - Top 10 The Far Side Comics Destined for Comedy Hall of Fame - TokoPyramid

This comic was like a zany ninja star of controversy – whether you find it hilarious or not is almost as relevant as arguing about the best flavor of invisible ice cream. “Cow Tools” caused such an uproarious ruckus when it hit the scene that it spawned its very own Wikipedia page. Larson’s attempt at goofball humor missed the target so spectacularly that it boomeranged its way into the comedy bullseye years later when this infamous strip became the internet’s favorite meme.

Wolves in Sheeps’ Clothing

Wolves in Sheeps’ Clothing - Top 10 The Far Side Comics Destined for Comedy Hall of Fame - TokoPyramid

Larson had a knack for twisting expressions like “a wolf in sheep’s clothing” into bizarre contortions, not only depicting them literally but also highlighting scenarios that rendered their original meaning utterly useless.

The Hero

The Hero - Top 10 The Far Side Comics Destined for Comedy Hall of Fame - TokoPyramid

A giant monster being labeled a mere “critter” after wreaking havoc on a city offers a glimpse into Larson’s comedic approach of asking, “What if things were this straightforward?” This mentality is best conveyed through his comic strips.

God Makes The Snake

God Makes The Snake - Top 10 The Far Side Comics Destined for Comedy Hall of Fame - TokoPyramid

Larson’s brilliance in his comics centered on God was that they could entertain both non-believers, who appreciated the absurd take on creationism, and Christians, who saw it as light-hearted jesting rather than an affront to their faith, ensuring that no one felt slighted or insulted.

Horse Accident

Horse Accident - Top 10 The Far Side Comics Destined for Comedy Hall of Fame - TokoPyramid

Turn a modern problem (kid wrecks dad’s car) into a Wild West scenario (kid wrecks dad’s horse), then draw it in a hilarious way to make people laugh. It’s just simple humor math!

Amoeba Porn Flicks

Amoeba Porn Flicks - Top 10 The Far Side Comics Destined for Comedy Hall of Fame - TokoPyramid

Sexualizing asexual single-celled organisms and technically having “porn” in the family-friendly funny pages was the most Gary Larson move ever.

Cat Showers

Cat Showers - Top 10 The Far Side Comics Destined for Comedy Hall of Fame - TokoPyramid

The title says it all. The only thing left to ponder is how it would feel for a person to be cleaned by a colossal tongue tub.

Related article: The Far Side – A Comic Strip We All Love

Scientist Prank

Scientist Prank - Top 10 The Far Side Comics Destined for Comedy Hall of Fame - TokoPyramid

This man truly has a unique sense of humor that’s well-suited for a career in the rocket science industry. Ka-boom!

Henry Never Knew What Hit Him

Henry Never Knew What Hit Him - Top 10 The Far Side Comics Destined for Comedy Hall of Fame - TokoPyramid

Gary Larson often used wordplay to surreal degrees in ‘The Far Side’ to not only get a laugh but also point out the weirdness of English in general.

Related article: Our Top 10 Picks for The Far Side Fans


These top 10 The Far Side comics, each a testament to Gary Larson’s offbeat brilliance, have secured their place in the Comedy Hall of Fame. With their uncanny ability to blend the absurd with the relatable, these cartoons continue to tickle our funny bones and provoke thought. They are a testament to the enduring power of humor and the enduring impact of Larson’s unique brand of wit. As we celebrate these timeless classics, we can only imagine the laughter and reflection they will inspire for generations to come in the hallowed halls of comedy greatness.


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